Varicose veins of the genital organs

Varicose veins of the genital organs can form in both men and women. Pregnant women often suffer from the fair sex. Genital varicose veins occur due to circulatory disorders in the pelvic area. The manifestations of the disease bring about lifestyle discomfort.

If varicose veins were detected in an intimate place at an early stage of development, then there are high chances of avoiding complications and consequences of the pathology.

Causes of occurrence

Genital varicose veins occur in humans for a variety of reasons.

  1. The genetic factor plays an important role. People whose loved ones have had varicose veins on the genitals should take precautionary measures. This will reduce the risk of unpleasant pathology. The doctor is aware of a similar illness in relatives in the past. Some medications can cause varicose veins.
  2. Varicose veins on the genitals often appear due to the patient's bad habits. A large percentage of the population in the Russian Federation has such a bad habit as smoking. Every smoker knows the harm to the body. Group C vitamins are responsible for the strength of the vein walls, nicotine destroys substances and increases the risk of varicose veins in the genitals and other parts of the body. The longer a person smokes, the higher the likelihood of developing pathology.
  3. The likelihood of varicose veins in the genital area is greatly increased with alcohol abuse. Due to the action of alcohol, inflammatory processes begin in the tissues of the veins.
  4. Varicose veins can be caused by an inappropriate lifestyle. If a person spends most of the day sitting or standing, this significantly increases the risk of the disease. Varicose veins do not appear for a few days, but if the situation repeats itself over several years, this may precisely be the cause of the onset of the disease.
  5. Varicose veins on the genitals are common in pregnant women. Doctors attribute this to hormonal disorders in the body. Several hormonal components are responsible for keeping the veins in good working order. Varicose veins often appear on the labia during puberty, which is also explained by hormonal imbalances.
  6. Varicose veins of the genitals are common in overweight people. If a person is prone to obesity, then it must be borne in mind that as weight increases, so does the load on the body, including the pelvic organs.
Groin pain with varicose veins in the genital area

In men, varicose veins on the genitals can have various causes.

  1. Promiscuous intercourse.
  2. The use of erectile drugs.
  3. Damage to the reproductive system and urinary tract.


The clinical manifestations of the pathology in men and women are different. The symptoms of varicose veins of the genital organs in women are as follows.

  • An increase in the veins is possible, many intertwined nodules appear.
  • In the perineum, the skin becomes dry and irritable.
  • There is an itchy, painful feeling in the groin area.
  • A burning sensation is possible.
  • Swelling of the genitals.
  • Dysuric disorders.

During sexual intercourse, the clinical manifestations described above in a woman worsen, and the discomfort also increases with physical exertion or after using the toilet. In most cases, the patient complains of painful sensations of a painful nature in the perineal area. The patient's mental health suffers as a result of constant complaints and she becomes irritable.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease there are no complaints, the presence of a disease can be guessed by small nodules in the genital area. Over time, they will increase in size and other symptoms will gradually develop. Neoplasms disrupt sexual activity and human movement.

Another sign of varicose veins of the genitals is pigmentation of the skin in the perineal area. During palpation, venous nodules are felt, which become larger over time.

In the male half of the population, the disease is often associated with a varicocele and the venous canals of the testicles widen. At the initial stage of the development of the pathology, blood circulation is disturbed, over time blood begins to accumulate, which leads to an increase in the genitals.

One of the most serious complications of varicose veins in the genital area is infertility. One of the surest signs of varicose veins of the reproductive system is painful sensations during sexual intercourse. There are enlarged venous canals on the genitals.


The earlier the treatment of the pathology is started, the lower the risk of complications. Genital varicose veins are dangerous as follows.

  • There is a risk of infertility.
  • The beginning of inflammatory processes in the genital organ.
  • Mental health damage through complaints.

The disease can lead to dysfunction of the reproductive system; Difficulties may arise when giving birth to a fetus in a mother with varicose veins in the genital area.

The possibility of infertility is explained by the fact that inflammation can pass into the tissues of the genital organ itself during the development of the disease. As a result, ulcers begin to form. In such a situation, specialists will perform surgical intervention, conservative methods will be ineffective.

If the patient ignores the clinical manifestations of the disease and does not see a specialist for a long time, then his flora is disturbed. As a result, infectious and fungal inflammation begins. This makes further diagnosis difficult.

Treatment methods

When contacting a specialist doctor, the patient undergoes a diagnostic procedure and a blood test. Most often, conservative methods of fighting the disease are used. The attending physician recommends the purchase of compression underwear, prescribes medical ointments with anesthesia, and prescribes a number of medications.

In some cases, sclerotherapy is required. This is an injection technique that you can use to get rid of altered veins. The affected area is cooled with air, after which a medicinal solution is injected, which causes the veins to narrow and blood flow to normalize. 6 minutes after the injection, the affected areas are squeezed from both sides.

Sclerotherapy is one of the most effective methods of treating varicose veins in the genital area, it prevents blood clots from forming in the future.


The level of medicine does not make it possible to get rid of varicose veins of the genital organs. Consultation of a specialist doctor is permissible in order to achieve rapid improvement in the condition and the elimination of clinical manifestations of pathology.

At the end of the course of treatment, the patient should be concerned with the prevention of pathologies, this will reduce the risk of relapse.

  • If there is a hereditary factor, it is recommended to avoid hormonal drugs. This includes contraceptives.
  • Pregnancy can lead to complications if a woman is at high risk of developing varicose veins in the genital area. During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the body. This can lead to a lack of hormones that keep the veins in good working order. Because of this, at the time of pregnancy, the risk of developing varicose veins in the genital area increases dramatically.
  • It is important that young people are informed in advance of the possible serious consequences of early sexual activity.
  • Medical experts strongly recommend quitting smoking and alcohol abuse. A variety of methods and remedies have been developed for giving up bad habits.
  • Doctors advise paying special attention to the fight against obesity. Obesity isn't just caused by overeating. It will not be possible to defeat the pathology until the patient gets rid of the extra pounds.

Modern medical level allows you to cope with the clinical manifestations of varicose veins in the genital area. There are many painless methods of solving the problem.

The patient only needs to consult a specialist when the first symptoms of the disease appear. This simplifies the treatment process and avoids complications.