Why it arises and how it is treated in the varicose veins of the uterus?

quam varicose veins in the uterus is a great danger for women, especially if you are a pregnant. The most common pathology quam varices vasodilation in the lower extremities, accompanied, on the labia, cervix and all the organs of the small pelvis. In the case of quam mater varices impaired outflow of blood fluid. For pathology characteristic thinning of the walls of the veins in the uterus, enlargement of the lumen of the blood vessels and the formation of nodular veins.

There are only 2 types of quam varicose veins in the uterus:
  1. The acquired Form develops on the background of the negative conditions for the vessels. Can be primary or secondary. In the second case, the cause of the disease is pelvic the direction of.
  2. Congenital type occurs in the womb or inherited.
Classification quam varices of the uterus according to severity:
  1. In the first stage of the disease, the diameter of the blood vessels is increased to 7 mm.
  2. In the second Phase of up to 8 mm, the wires deform.
  3. On the third level – a maximum of 13 mm. by the formation of nodes.

Characteristics of uterine quam varicose veins in pregnancy

During pregnancy quam varicose veins in the uterus varicose veins meets not often, but can also occur due to the enlargement of the uterus in the size. It promotes in the obsessio of the circulatory system. But just at this time, requires increased blood flow, as sanguis liquid provides for the placenta directly to the fetus with nutrients. If a woman bears a child, the placenta and the fruit is not adequate supply of power, resulting in a lack of oxygen. You must know that in this time, the hormonal background is violated, because of what does not work by relaxing the walls of the veins, and the valves in the correct mode. This causes the development of quam varices varicose veins in the uterus.

 Varicose veins in pregnancy</1_img>


Among the factors that provocantes the development of the pathology:
  • during pregnancy because of the pressure on the blood vessels;
  • excessive physical stress can increase blood-fluid in the Uterus, what Vienna stretches;
  • Constipation;
  • some hormones, the estrogens that have a negative influence on the elastic properties of the vessels;
  • otium women: due to lack of exercise congestion;
  • curvi of the uterus;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • quam varicose veins in the uterus on the background of non-healed illnesses may develop an inflammatory nature;
  • frequent abortions and artificial birth;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • Menstrual disorders, in which the woman turns to the woman doctor;
  • gynecological pathology of the chronic nature of the development of quam varices vasodilation provoke;
  • Empire indigentiam reception of contraception;
  • generic Operation with complications;
  • frequent pregnancy;
  • Obesity, in which there is a pressure on the uterus.

Symptoms quam varices of the uterus

Characteristic symptoms it's not, but guess about the development of quam varicose veins in the uterus may be due to such characters:
  • Pain syndrome traiecto and tractus character in the abdomen – exactly as in the case of inflammatory processes;
  • Pain irradiet, in the area of the cross leg or loin;
  • strong pain syndrome during Menstruation;
  • Pain and discomfort during and after sexual contact;
  • abundance of the secretions from the vagina;
  • Menstrual a long period of time can leak, but hemorrhage is insignificant;
  • the disturbed water;
  • Pain can also after physical exertion and static posture.
Symptoms of varicose veins uterus</2_img>


If you go to any of the symptoms quam varicose veins in the uterus, you need to urgently to the gynecologist, the examination on the gynecological chair. Necessary for blood collection. In addition, the Hardware methods of diagnostics apply:

  • Ultrasound examination of intra-vaginal: with the help of the sensor, inside the vagina, evaluated vessels the condition of the blood;
  • for the determination of the severity venography intrauterine applies: the method is reminiscent of x-ray, but a contrast material is used;
  • Laparoscopy;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
  • Doppler ographic research methods;
  • Ultrasonography.

If left untreated, quam varicose veins in the uterus, complications: infertility, torn blood vessels, bleeding, inflammation, thrombosis, externus abdominis syndrome, and much more.Treatment quam varices varicose veins in the uterus The treatment quam varices vasodilation should be comprehensive. The only way you can achieve positive results. The therapy comprises the following components:

1. Drug treatment with such drugs:
  • venarum means that not only the walls of the veins to strengthen, but also eliminate inflammation and swelling. .
  • angioprotective drugs, with blood circulation, speeds up and strengthens the blood vessels and reduces the permeability of the veins. They also have anti-exudativ effect.
  • Drugs with analgesic effect.
2. Intake of multivitamin complexes. 3. Correction of the diet – the doctor prescribes a special diet, which is important to strictly comply with. In advanced cases, surgical Intervention. Such techniques can:
  • Vascular Resection. In this case, a control for the course of the procedure is carried out by means of the endoscope.
  • Sclerotherapy or embolization to ovarii vessels. In this case, a particular solution, thanks to which the Lumen is reduced in quam varices Vienna the Uterus. Necessarily angiography – examination of the uterus is done with the use of contrast agents.
  • Can gonadal vein will be deleted.
  • In the case of hysterectomy amputetur the uterus.
  • Used sclerotherapy where the affected vessels are glued.
  • A further ultra-modern method of laser coagulation. Thanks to Laser adurere, damaged Vienna.

The folk recipes of the therapy quam varices of the uterus are considered to be AIDS. They are very effective and completely safe. Here are the best recipes are:

  • The use of horse chestnut is justified, because the plant has a positive effect not only on the walls of the blood vessel system, but also on the structure of the blood. Prepare a tincture at home or buy it in any pharmacy. The medium is cheap, but effective. For home cooking, you need fruits or flowers of the chestnut in an amount of 5 tablespoons. You pour a Liter of cooking oil, alcohol, diluted with water in a 50/50 ratio. Insist 7 days in a dark place. To shake at regular intervals. Then the Infusion through several layers of gauze and take orally three times per day. Pour mix into a glass, water drops, 30 drops of tincture, thoroughly. Then you drink the Tool. You consume it, preferably for 20-30 minutes before a meal.
  • You can use the flower part of the lilac and Propolis. Flowers you have 100 grams of Propolis – 30 Mix the two ingredients and pour in a bottle of high quality vodka. You leave for 30 days in a dark place. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  • The Nettle. It is in fresh Form or exaruit. To 200 ml of boiling water, you only need a few tablespoons of herbs. Cook for 15 min. on the water-bath is heated, after cooling, strain. You eat three times a day for 100 ml.
The folk recipes of the therapy</3_img>


Preventive measures for the prevention of quam varices the enlargement of the blood in the uterine vessels is simple enough. They include the following activities:

  • The right diet, to fight through the the body is able to with all the pathological processes. Also, a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins to a complete saturation of the circulatory system. Thus, the walls of the veins are strong and elastic, and the blood of a normal structure.
  • Don't need the body overwhelm with physical exertion. If you exercise, then you are not driving in front of the fatigue. They carry no force of gravity.
  • You avoid overweight to control their weight.
  • Do not wear a strong fitting underwear.
  • You can visit your doctor twice a year, even if you are worried about nothing.

The prognosis of quam varices of the uterus pretty cheap, but only if timely assistance of a gynecologist and phlebologist. The complex treatment is fast and effective this unpleasant Problem to solve.