Exercises for legs with varicose veins after surgery.

Immediately after surgery, you can already start the easiest exercise is when in the prone position – rotate, and bend tarso joints , perform the exercise, the Simulation of the journey on a Bicycle. As soon as you are allowed to get up out of bed, start walking – this is the best method to restore and improve the venous blood circulation. Adjust the length of the walks, in accordance with their feelings, increase it gradually.

As soon as the feeling of heaviness in the legs and calves, you should discumbentes Position. If you don't lift the foot of the bed, underlay cushion under the feet – you don't have to lie horizontally. In the first 1-1,5 months after the Operation, you stick to gentle treatment, you avoid the expense, but gradually increase, in a few months, a normal, usual life.

Care of hems and nutrition

Allow you to strengthen the seams and cicatrice orta est, so you don't squallentes your feet. The first couple of weeks, wash your feet with warm water only and do not use sponges and brushes. They close for half a year, visiting of baths and saunas. If the healing of the sutures starts to itch – lubricate iodine , which helps to relieve the itching and accelerate the healing process.

If you have overweight, you need to reset it – this is an additional burden on the legs and veins. You follow a special diet, drinking carrot juice, promotion of blood clotting . But cherry, citrus fruits, tomatoes, pomegranates, blood thinning, so be sure to include in your diet. In the first time, after consultation with the physician, and medication, blood thinning and prevention of the formation of blood clots.

The Operation on quam varices – a complex process that requires long preparation and recovery.

The Rehabilitation was successful and without complications, it is important to carefully read the requirements of the attending physician, to have a balanced diet to completely eliminate bad habits.

The Operation on quam varices or phlebectomy, in the impossibility of conservative treatment. Radical interventions are necessary when the risk of thrombosis, strong Superba, trophic ulcers, irreversible changes in the blood vessels.

Surgery on varicose veins</1_img>

The Operation on quam varices will be performed under General or local anesthesia in the clinic, it takes longer than 2.5 hours. Much longer the recovery phase lasts. Depending on how successful he is depends on the health of the patient.

In the modern minimally invasive techniques (e.g., sclerotherapy) hospital stay is not required. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, after 3 hours, then the Patient can go home.

However, the recovery phase will need, and in the case of non-traumatica techniques. Failure Mode and improper diet can provoke a relapse.

Rehabilitation time after surgery to quam varices is aimed at the prevention of complications often arise after the procedure.

To unpleasant consequences after the Operation on quam varicose veins varicose veins:
  • Pain and heaviness in the legs;
  • The development of quam varices and the defeat of new veins;
  • Numbness of the extremities, decreased sensitivity of the skin;
  • Bleeding and pus in the places to remove veins.

After the Operation on quam varices, the Patient 3-5 days in a hospital. The doctor will monitor the condition of the patient, when needed prescribes painkillers. As a preventive measure tenui sanguine, and decongestant medications apply.


In the rehabilitation phase after surgery on quam varices patients in need of compression stockings : leg warmers, knee socks or stockings. If the legs are not swollen right product and the right size, use an elastic bandage.

He is superimposed on the sole of the foot to the knee and not hugging the legs, squeezing them. Headbands worn the entire duration of the Rehabilitation has to be, you are changed every day, the wounds treated with chlorhexidine or other disinfecting drugs.

After the removal quam veins bed rest varicose veins is required, however, the full inertia will not save. The Patient can turn and move your feet, make circular movements of the feet, the bend of the knee.

Such a Mini-gym in the rehabilitation phase after surgery on quam varices improves blood circulation, promotes the flow of lymph and prevention of edema.

If the Patient can get up from the bed, increase the motor activity. You can go to the medical room, the gym with the lifting and lowering of straight or bent legs.

Particularly helpful in the postoperative Phase, in quam varices exercises on the floor:
  • Simulation of the ride on the bike;
  • the rise of the knee to the chest;
  • Retraction of the abdominal wall.
This movement improves not only blood circulation, but also warn of constipation, dangerous for quam varices.

In the rehabilitation phase, particular attention should be paid to the areas where the surgery was performed. The seams are formed 2-3 months, as long does it take to scar formation.

Nutrition in the rehabilitation phase after surgery on quam varices should be balanced and varied, and complete without food-provocateurs. In the first days after the Operation, the Patient to provide a semi-liquid porridge on the water, soups and vegetable is stew; broth, braised croquette, white meat poultry, lean fish, vegetables. After completion of the bed rest menu can be expanded.

Important! Avoid overeating. Obesity in quam varices is not allowed, the maximum nutritional value of food is 2500 calories per day (for men with medium physical activity).

During the recovery period after surgery on quam varices fluid intake is very important.
  • in the menu house-made compotes and fructus bibit should be rich in Vitamin C and potassium;
  • instead of coffee better, green or herbal teas;
  • on et operated quam varices positive juices from pyropis affect fresh cherries, black currants, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit. They enrich the body with vitamins, LASCIVIBUNDUS, contribute to blood thinning.

After the Operation on quam varices from the food courts, provoked to exclude thrombosis, edema, deterioration of the blood circulation. This category includes various smoked and canned, the increased amount of salt and preservatives, hot sauces and spices, fat meat, fixed vegetable oils and fats, industrial sweets and soft drinks.

In the rehabilitation phase after the Operation, completely alcohol excluded, it is desirable to abandon Smoking. Alcohol and nicotine can speed up to trigger the process of deformation of the vessels and thrombosis.


Rehabilitation time after surgery to quam varices – the possibility of a special attention to your health. Proper nutrition, Hygiene, adequate exercise, an exception to the triggering factors help to recover as quickly as possible and you will avoid unpleasant complications.