Symptoms Of Varicose Veins Legs

Varicose veins of the legs occurs most frequently among all types of this pathology. It is a pryamohozhdeniem people, because of what a large load on the lower extremities.

What is varicose veins and why does it emerge?

Varicose veins is called a Dilatation of the superficial veins, in which a violation of the blood flow. The development of the disease is due to the weakness of the venous wall and increase the blood pressure in the vessels. In the case of the extension of the walls of the veins to the normal function of the apparatus is disturbed.

The blood can't sufficiently up to the heart, and stagnates in the lower extremities Thus, varicose veins in the legs. The symptoms manifest themselves in the formation of the vascular network and venous nodes in the area of the weakened veins.

The causes of varicose veins are very diverse. This and heredity, obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle and sustained physical exertion for the legs, and pregnancy. Very important the prevention of varicose veins, to avoid it helps in the development of the disease, and strengthen the vessels.

Symptoms and signs of varicose veins of the leg veins

Symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities are varied, it all depends on the stage of the disease. Initially, the Patient is not availability of any external, can disturb only the tiredness after a day of work, feeling of heaviness in the legs. The disease manifests itself in the development of the vascular network, and later venous nodes and visible enlarged blood vessels appear.

Symptoms and signs of varicose veins of the leg veins

At the first appearance of the forms of disease in urgent need of a doctor!

In the later stages of the disease, the symptoms of varicose veins in the legs multiplied, there is pain in the muscles and the legs, swelling, pigmentation of the skin. In advanced cases trophic ulcers and venous bleeding develop.

The symptoms of the disease in different stages

In the first Phase of the disease the symptoms of varicose veins of the legs are negligible. Worried about the heaviness and fatigue, and in some places on the skin to show through cycle-network, or "lint" in Vienna.

In the second Phase of the disease, cramps in the legs can interfere with the symptoms of varicose veins appear, the Patient feels the pain and severity after a prolonged physical exertion.

The third stage of the varicose veins by the appearance of pronounced venous nodes, pigmentation on the skin, edema of the lower extremities.

The fourth stage is shown in the Form of trophic ulcers on the skin, bleeding and poor healing. The Patient feels severe pain and discomfort in the lower extremities.

And if not treated?

If you have noticed that the symptoms of varicose veins of the legs, should begin the treatment as before. The absence of the right measures, this can cause serious complications such as Thrombophlebitis, bleeding from varicose veins, thromboembolism

Blood clots that are formed in the case of Thrombophlebitis, disrupting the normal flow of blood, which the disturbed blood supply in the tissue. If you do nothing, you may see the wounds – wounds on the skin that become wet and bad heal.

In which case you should immediately consult a doctor?

If you notice any symptoms of varicose veins, consult your doctor. Severe pain in the legs, frequent cramps, the formation of pigmentation, and deterioration of the General condition should also draw attention to you.

Not visit to the phlebologist over-revving, the timely reference to the doctor will help you avoid all the complications and to deal with the disease.

The diagnosis of varicose veins on the legs

The most common and effective method of diagnosis of varicose veins on the legs is considered an ultrasound examination. The exact whereabouts helps varicose veins, their nature and extent of a disease.

The diagnosis of varicose veins on the legs

At the first sign of the extension of the Van on the legs is immediately the entire course of a survey.

In addition, the doctor will prescribe blood, the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, leukocytes, and platelets. This will help the predisposition to Thrombophlebitis or the presence of inflammation in Vienna.

Find out the stage of the disease with the help of such a method as rheovasography – determination of the defectiveness of the blood supply to the tissue. In complex and difficult diagnosable cases of surgical research (e.g., venography).

Treatment of varicose veins of the leg veins

There are several options for the treatment of varicose veins, the doctor decides and it depends on the stage of the disease and its course.

  • The use of drugs venotonics and angioprotectors are drugs, the normalization of the structure of the walls of the blood vessels, improves microcirculation of the blood.
  • Compression stockings – helps to reduce pain, increases the Tonus of the blood vessels.
  • Treatment of varicose veins with leeches – leech therapy, hirudin in the saliva of the leech, reduces the viscosity of the blood and supplies it with nutrients.
  • Surgical treatment – varicose veins surgery, Laser photo-coagulation, radio frequency coagulation, sclerotherapy, deal help to remove the Problem varicose veins and varicose veins.

Prevention of varicose veins

Prevention of varicose veins helps, the risk of disease. The correct way of life and a sufficient, diverse physical activity during the day – ability to keep for a long time, your veins healthy.

Do not forget about proper nutrition, because obesity promotes the development of varicose veins. After a busy day, they allow the feet to recover well. You waive all hot procedures and harmful habits (nicotine is included in cigarettes, reduces the Tonus of the blood vessels).

Useful Tips

  • At the first signs of varicose veins, contact a physician immediately.
  • Be especially attentive to the vessels of the legs during pregnancy.
  • You have the risk of varicose veins, for the prevention of diseases during long journeys, trips and strenuous exercise, you will wear a compression garment.
  • You organize the correct operating mode and recreation.
  • Do not smoke, oily and conductor darena eat, sitting in the same Position, the risk of occurrence of varicose veins.