Ointment of varicose veins — the selection of the optimal variant

The treatment of varicose veins in the legs have to bear a complex character. To be especially for this purpose drugs, the vessels have a local effect on the skin and blood. This disease causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms, among which swelling, feeling of heaviness, inflammation in the legs. To eliminate the ointment of varicose veins effectively the symptoms of the disease and prevent its development. Improve the elasticity of the veins and the prevention of complications. Varicose veins leads to a Thrombophlebitis, and trophic ulcers on the Shin, and this means that the treatment should be started as soon as the first signs of the disease.

Symptoms of varicose veins


Causes and symptoms of varicose veins

Lately, varicose veins, increasingly, young people do not relates to, so that faced with such a Problem only of older people. Sometimes the process is also for those who are not yet the thirtieth year of life. If the relatives there are varicose veins on the legs, or the parents transferred the operational Intervention, then it is worth thinking about the prevention of such diseases. The doctor, of dealing with such problems – phlebologist. He studied the people and comes to the conclusion, if he is in the risk group. Hereditary causes that predispose to this disease, but some factors contribute to the appearance, for example:

  • more often, varicose veins common in women than in males;
  • a few extra pounds of weight;
  • the work, which assumes long stay on the legs;
  • when people flat feet can also the disease provoke;
  • hormonal disorders in the body, endocrine disorders;
  • Duration of stress;
  • Lack of movement provoked traffic jams.

Varicose veins it is called a pathological enlargement of the veins in the legs. The disease is accompanied by a weakness of the valves inside the vessels. The blood circulation is disturbed in the legs, appears to be congestion and swelling. The disease does not arise immediately, it begins with small signs that the person can, first of all, value. First of all, vessels affects the blood, which are increased on the surface, then the pathology and course of disease already affected veins, the deep.

Externally, this is evident in the Form of venous mesh, and the nodes, thereby the risk of formation of blood clots. Possible complications is a threat to life: thrombosis (obstruction of venous), thromboembolism, and wounds on the legs. The skin on the shins looks ugly, edema long persist, from the outside you can see the enlarged vessels. It is used by inflammation, the person feels discomfort and feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities.

Treatment of varicose veins


Ointment of varicose veins is not the only way of treatment to overcome because it is a serious disease, the only therapy with the application of the complex. For this, doctors prescribe drugs in tablets and ointments you complement the local impact. External agents are able to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

The conservative therapy of this disease improves the blood circulation in the vessels and liquidated jams. As a result of the swelling out, which reduces inflammation, the risk of thrombus formation is reduced, serious complications rarely develop. More creams and ointments that are particularly effective in the fight against varicose veins.

What to choose: cream, Gel, or ointment

Medicines for topical application in the Form of the publication of parts of such types:

  • Gel;
  • Cream;
  • the ointment.

These drugs are for the prevention of the progression of the disease and for a conservative treatment (without surgery). Preparations in tubes differ in their composition, many patients prefer gels because they have a simple structure. After applying the Gel on the skin is immediately absorbed, thus he is considered to be the most convenient in the application. The cream has a slightly firmer texture, but also well into the skin penetrates and leaves no trace. Ointment of varicose veins consists of fatty components, so that it is always very pleasant.

Pharmaceutical means that you can buy on a prescription, is:

  • Preparations with extracts of horse chestnut;
  • Medication with Heparin;
  • Ointments with Troxerutin;
  • NSAIDs in the Form of gels or ointments (anti-inflammatory medicines).

We must bear in mind that varicose veins is a serious disease that leads to serious consequences, so that the self-healing is not acceptable.