Varicose veins on the legs - symptoms and treatment of varicose veins

This disease, such as varicose veins, suffering people of all genders and age groups. Especially in the case of varicose veins affects the lower limbs. It is known that every third woman suffers because of the varicose veins. The causes lurk in tight underwear, wearing shoes, taking hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy. What for representatives of a strong half is to be noted that varicose veins occur on the legs in men a little less often, every fourth person suffers from it.

Varicose veins

What is varicose veins?

In the case of varicose veins, the walls of the veins lose their elasticity, shrink, the ability and stretch. The second cause of the disease – a violation of the integrity of the venous valves, causing the pressure in the vessels of the legs increases, the result is a blood traffic jam.

This disease can strike not only the feet but also other parts of the body. The disease varicose veins on the legs, on different parts of the skin of the lower extremities, primarily on the muscles of the lower leg, you will notice swollen, wide vessels meandering superficial. But important is only the outer side of the disease is not, as it is the most dangerous phenomenon – violation of venous blood flow.

Signs of varicose veins of the legs in men

If you suddenly, it seemed that something with the veins not so, not in a hurry to treat you. First, you must know what specific symptoms are typical for this disease. This allows you not to be confused with varicose veins related disease.

In the initial phase, the following signs of varicose veins of the legs in men:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs,
  • rapid development of fatigue in the legs,
  • Swelling after loads,
  • a feeling of swelling of the legs,
  • Feeling Of Fullness Feet Of Liquid,
  • Decrease in the sensitivity of the skin of the legs,
  • Itching of the skin,
  • the formation of the vascular network.

With the development of varicose veins in men, the symptoms increased and there are new:

  • Pain in the legs,
  • Dermatitis, or eczema,
  • the veins clearly through the skin,
  • trophic ulcer,
  • Dimming individual sections of the skin,
  • intermittent increase in the temperature,
  • Blockage of the blood vessels,
  • torn blood vessels varicose veins.

What are varicose veins threaten men? In some cases, the blood thickens, forming a blood clot. This Situation is the result of an infection.

When you first get the disease, the inconvenience only of aesthetic nature (on the legs visible venous spider veins), then after some time the walls of the veins are so weak that the least toxic substance, the infection can cause you any harm.

Varicose veins in men legs: causes of the disease

Many people mistakenly think that if men with no children do not wear studs, and varicose veins, you are not affected. Yes, from the point of view of the physiology in men really have no problems with the feet. But not other risk factors discounted:

  • the hard work on the physical Plan;
  • the carrying and lifting of heavy loads;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • obesity leads to an increased load on the legs;
  • the presence of the genetic predisposition of the character (in the male line);
  • the movement of arms and sedentary way of life ;
  • poor diet ;
  • the harmful habits, especially the consumption of alcohol and Smoking ;
  • the high viscosity of the blood;
  • Diseases of the circulatory System;

Unfortunately, very few men are aware about the negative effect of the vessels of Smoking on the blood. Due to the effects of nicotine to the blood vessel walls less elastic and thin, damaged reguljazionnyje the valves on the vessels.

As regards alcohol, it will have a negative impact not only on the ships themselves, but also on the liver. Under the influence of alcohol, hepatocytes are destroyed, leading to the development of thrombosis.

It should be taken into account and the factor that men are not so sensitive in terms of their health, as the representatives of the fair sex, and therefore begin to pay attention to the Problem too late, when the disease takes a serious scale.

Varicose veins occurs in men at different ages, but most of the time the first signs of varicose veins in men after 40 years found.

The consequences of diseases of the feet

Really so dangerous varicose veins on the legs are, than to talk about it?

The serious consequences of the pathological varicose ulcers, venous thrombosis.

The disease creates an increased load on the heart muscle, what disease, in turn, may be of some importance in the development of cardiovascular disease.

The most common, the most common result of this disease is a swelling of the ankles, which are fraught with the advent of constant pain at the top of the leg. No treatment leads to increased muscle cramps, constant fatigue in the legs, feeling of heaviness.

All of the above characteristics of the disease intensified in those moments when a Person leads the movement. But also a change of the active work on the seat does not help the Situation. Complaints varicose veins constantly.

Dermatitis — pretty heavy a result of varicose veins in men. In the area of the diseased veins of the rash, the want to comb appears. You don't do it, since, with time, the skin rash, the blood wounds.

The development of Thrombophlebitis is the most serious consequence of the disease. The formation of blood clots involves fatal accidents as a result of their separation and penetration into the blood vessels of the heart or lungs. If you see the slightest sign, to the development of this disease, you should immediately see a doctor.

For the diagnosis different methods are used, but the exact of them – examination of vessels (ultrasound of the veins). It is the extent of their defeat.

How to treat varicose veins on the legs in men: conservative treatment

In the case of detection of symptoms, the need to clearly treat the varicose veins, the disease in the interaction with the doctor. There are experts who specialize in the treatment of veins. You are better than other doctors know how to treat varicose veins on the legs in men. Any doctor will confirm that the treatment of varicose veins on the legs in men in the early stages allows you to get rid of the problem.

As an additional agent for the treatment doctors special creams and ointments, the pain, heaviness, swelling. Also possible is the treatment of folk medicine.

Treatment, Provision Of AIDS

Experts recommend that men suffering from the disease, compression stockings, for example, special stockings. The representatives of a strong half, appreciate your health to adhere to this recommendation. The other, which do not bear on the fact that this underwear is feminine, toughen him up as the Situation.

It is important to know and to understand that the external support is very vessels is important for blood. Without it, you will increase the duration of the treatment. And when the Operation was carried out without the compressible Laundry you can't do that. It is essential to wear. But it needs to be changed to the new one every 3-6 months.

To give as an Alternative to compression pants, you can bind special elastic. It is advisable to consult your doctor on the subject of how to stagger them properly.

Also we recommend to pay attention to the shoes – it needs to be comfortable and warm, fit the season, jamming feet. The legs should not discomfort the feeling in it, including, and in the longer go.

Surgical procedures for the treatment

In some cases, sclerotherapy is the adjustment of the saphenous veins with the help of injections. The treatment of the disease in this way includes the previous ultrasound examination, according to which patients in the vessels, special medicines are introduced with a syringe. It should be noted that such manipulations are not carried out with deep vessels. And the blood vessels, the replaced in the vicinity of the skin, connective tissue, freeing the sick from pain and torment. In addition, sclerotherapy the appearance of the legs helps.

To fall back the operations, which, in extreme cases. Without surgery will not be waived if the Patient is amazed with a severe course of the pathology (deep blood vessels and formed blood clot).

The primary type of surgery for varicose veins of the legs Phlebotomy. In this Operation, the removal of a portion of the affected vessel.

Varieties of the operations for the removal of blood vessels:

  • stripping;
  • Phlebotomy;

The Operation is performed under General anesthesia. It is worth noting that ten years ago, surgical Intervention was considered to be the most effective way in the fight against varicose veins of the legs.


Also to remove the affected area of the vessel to be used and such methods, such as Laser and radio-frequency Ablation. In the case of the Laser treatment the doctors remove the part of the affected vessel, Laser, and radio-frequency Ablation – radio waves. Both methods are with the help of the Lumen of the vein catheter.

It is worth noting that the operational procedures are not a guarantee of relapse – for example, they occur in half of the cases within 5 years. The simultaneous compliance of the patients to preventive measures to reduce the risk of relapse.

Varicose veins in men: to be treated at home

I can fight with the nozhnih of the veins, without a home? You can. You have to constantly perform special exercises. It's not about the heavy loads.

If you suffer from varicose veins, you need to go for a swim, Jogging or walking at least. Practice shows, that such sports contribute greatly in the early stages of the disease.

When it comes to the current Phase, also here, there is hope for a cure, but must adhere to certain rules, you must wear special underwear. While varicose veins a number of physical exercises is contraindicated, especially running, jumping, crouching. However, Hiking, and especially swimming, and in this case will be useful.

One of the reasons that are varicose veins – obesity. Although obesity is dangerous not so much of self, how as an additional factor that increases the load on the legs and the heart. If you are overweight, then you should go on a diet to reset it. The most important condition for the diet for the representatives of the male sex your daily energy content should not Kcal more than 1500. Limit intake of salt, smoked and pickled foods. Drink useful vessels for the natural anticoagulants – juices, Aronia, and sea buckthorn.

To alleviate the unpleasant sensations in the legs, it is recommended several times a day the legs above heart level lifting in the supine position. The duration of the procedure – 15 minutes. If the extremity above the level of the head, the outflow of venous blood. In this Position, you can read a book, enjoy a movie, etc.

And the most important — if you have a suspected disease, varicose veins, begin to self-medicate. The best thing you can do is Peer advice to the phlebologist. Remember that it is a complex disease whose treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Prevention of diseases

Even if the predisposition to varicose veins are necessary to pay attention to prevention. As an Option, it is the self-massage of the feet (it is forbidden in the case when the disease has already developed). No damage is underwear to wear special compression.

People leading a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended that the position of the body changed, to the point, short, load run time. You can only carry out exercises, walk around the table or place a few rotation. If you have a sedentary job, every hour take a break of 5-10 minutes, have to get up from the table and give your feet a rest.

After bathing or showering, soak the legs with cold water. As a prevention doctors also drinking at least two liters of water recommend.

All the people (and especially women) should Smoking in any case, to stop excessive alcohol consumption. It is better that the preference of sports, more time in the fresh air, Hiking in Parks, forests. And then we need to try not to worry and not to worry. Stress is one of the factors, predisposition to varicose veins. Treacherous varices is not different people according to gender and nationality.