Varicose veins of the lower extremities: symptoms, causes, treatment

According to statistics, every fifth person on earth is suffering from this disease. But what it is and how to fight it? Doctors professional Baltic vein clinic could be a surefire method for the recovery of the organism by a special medical diagnostic Instrument and device for the treatment.

Treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins: the peculiarities of the disease, symptoms specifics

This disease suffered from the people already in ancient times. The records of Hippocrates, Avicenna and Paracelsus witnesses. The doctors of that time tried to fight with a defect, but the methods and steps were unsuccessful.

Varicose veins – it is the most powerful is the morbid enlargement of the veins under the skin. The disease manifests itself not only in the lower extremities, but also on the belly, hands, and scrotum. Varicose veins is one of the progressive pathologies, if not timely measures to prevent the development of the defect, it will increase the Problem and of the pain and prefer to be even more difficult. The process of the disease is characterized in that the wires are in the congested state, is not ready to be with the flow of blood. Legs gain excessive fatigue, and swelling, the severity of the feet and ankles, and to reduce regularly cramps.

Symptoms of the disease

What feelings are the harbingers of the development of the disease? There are many symptoms when you are prompted, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs, the feeling of "pillows" on the feet;
  • Swelling of the feet and ankles (an increase of the gastrocnemius-toe in part 2, time);
  • regular seizures;
  • an obvious extension of the veins;
  • burn in "asterisk";
  • trophic changes in the skin of the feet and lower legs;
  • Thickening of the skin in the areas of varicose veins;
  • Pigmentation, the formation of swarty dark skin;
  • aching pain, feeling not only in the supine position;
  • Bruising;
  • the formation of venous ulcers.

Complaints that transformed constantly with the Person, with the time in pain. You finally destroy the working ability of the patient and lead to his hospitalization.

Recognize that she is a victim of the disease is quite simple. In the course of the development of varicose veins, the structure of the veins is their elasticity, flexibility and elegance lose. Ultimately, venous vessels found in the upper layers of the skin blanket in a flexed Position, an extended and a distorted condition. You can see them with the naked eye and feel you in the touch of the Hand. Externally, these veins are steel, acquired a dark blue or purple color. Folded vessels, especially below the knee on the back, the shape is reminiscent of grapes.

Varicose veins and insufficiency of the valves of perforating veins, which can be of two types:

  1. The primary.
  2. Secondary. Develops during pregnancy, cirrhosis, previously found liver.

If the work of the valves, the circulation is affected the System, the flow of blood from the deep veins to the surface begins to flow, thinner and weak veins. Therefore, they are extended, stretched and weakened. For the full normalization of the circulatory system, the recovery of all the sick veins.

The causes of varicose veins

What can result in such effects? Global changes in the working of the organism may be due to the following factors:

  1. Obesity. Malfunction of the blood circulation due to the Substitution of adipose tissue, and squeezing the interior organs.
  2. Pregnancy. The period vynashivanija the child often requires the use of hormonal agents, the standard of estrogen and progesterone. Their effect immediately on the occurrence of varicose veins. The peculiarity of the varicose veins in pregnant women is that after the birth, you can gradually dissolve. Also varicose veins in women will appear in the Position with an increased volume of blood in the body. The uterus with the fetus exerts pressure on the veins that go between the legs. It breaks the circulatory System and stimulates the enlargement of the veins.
  3. Long state in a Position. Due to a sedentary and stationary lifestyle, most often varicose veins appear. Most frequently the disease occurs among the people of such professions as teacher, surgeon.
  4. Genetic Predisposition. Congenital anomalies of the blood vessels – is the most common cause for functional disorders of the veins.
  5. If you already have a previous injury to the legs (broken bones). Deformation, the bone fractures that often influence the working of the veins. Once the work of the blood of impaired river enough to provide a boost to the development of varicose veins.
  6. Age-Related Changes. In the elderly the wall of the vein becomes weak, a part of the epithelial cells to 100% of its tasks, making the work of the valves to be disturbed, and you will get the enlargement of the veins.

Modern methods of treatment of veins

Treatment of veins

Severe symptoms can not be ignored, they must urgently begin to remedy the Problem, through the application of modern methods of treatment. Help to restore the circulatory system has veins, a modern and professional clinic.

Currently in the clinics, the following methods of treatment of varicose veins work:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

Each of them contains produce a number of programs.

Conservative Treatment

The type of treatment depends on the stage of the development of the disease. Patients, the disease died, but in the early stages of its development, to be able to not pass the restore-invasive way. In a program of this type of treatment, the following methods:

  1. The medikamentse. The course includes a thorough diagnostic examinations and assign the doctor the appropriate medication within a certain period of time. After the completion of the adoption of the medication, the Patient is again in the test phase. According to the results of the diagnosis, the specialist takes the decision to either further treatment, either on its termination.
  2. Sclerotherapy of the varices. When using such a method of treatment of special funds. This is a special drug that is introduced by the syringe into the varicose vein. Effect of drugs the affected vein from the inside is achieved by the fact that it is glued. To go through this "deception" of the body, the blood starts to healthy blood vessels. This method of recovery is not all, as a specific Phase in the development of varicose veins, the condition of vessels and the Position of the node.
  3. Compression therapy. Possibility of recovery is the use of a special compression underwear, which is made only by the attending physician. The compression ratio is an effective method of non-surgical recovery, and the doctors of the Baltic vein clinic professional help in use, to 100 % recovery.

The surgical removal of varicose veins

This method for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs is still in demand, because the treatment is non-invasive way is not always possible, for ever farewell to the disease. Because of the deep development of the disease, to get rid of it, you can only return to the implementation of the Operation.

The main indications for the use of surgical intervention in the treatment of varicose veins:

  1. The rapid development of the disease. Manifestation stage of venous ulcers.
  2. The violation of the outflow of the blood.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.
  4. Enlargement of the saphenous veins.
  5. Swelling, and fatigability of the legs.

There are also pain-free treatments through the use of modern techniques

  • Radio frequency Obliteration of the veins. RFO and EVRF can be through radio waves, the structure of the blood vessels from the inside. For the implementation of the Operation in the clinic, disposable catheter, automatic generators, radio waves are used.
  • SVS – thermal occlusion of few pulses. The method includes the treatment of varicose veins by injection of the inner venous catheter, through the through the existing microvias are abundant steam. The heated steam allows you to penetrate the most inaccessible areas of the ship and influence, twisted and distorted veins. After the treatment, of Vienna, and in this way narrowed.
  • The Operation, according to varadi. The most difficult method. The removal of the sick requires veins. Way 100 % effective. After the end of the day, the go, the Patient will be able to go home. The only requirement: the use of compression tights since the surgery.
  • EVLT or Laser coagulation of the veins. For the procedure uses a Laser. The beam of reference vessel on the sick, and allows to locate the defect. The use of local analgesic. The procedure leaves no scars, cuts or burns.
  • The System Venaseal means full closure of diseased veins in the legs, through the bonding of the valves of the vessels of the biological adhesive.

Very often, the type of surgical treatment combined with conservative. After the surgery is very often required to use the results to consolidate the use of drugs.

Prevention of varicose veins

The result of entrenched to heal and to exist varicose veins stopped, requires not only a regular drug stabilization of the condition of the body, but also the prevention of diseases, by the observance of simple rules of life.

Doctors say to prevent the disease than to treat it. Simple rules of behavior and lifestyle to help prevent the development of varicose veins:

  • Compilation of the daily routine: the exchange of different types of loads on the body. Reduction to a Minimum orthostatic stress.
  • The presence of orthopedic seats in sedentary activities at a Desk.
  • Rejection of the oppressive and narrow pieces of clothing and shoes.
  • Implementation of regular Cycling, and swimming.
  • The execution of the morning and evening charging.
  • Normalization of the weight (strong weight gain a nutritionist).
  • Hot and cold showers.
  • Acceptance of the day to 1.5 liters of fluid.

While you take care of in anticipation of a long journey, and a strong indication for the development of the disease, the availability of all the drugs on the street. Soothing Gels and ointments are good helpers in such events.

Through the application of simple measures for the prevention of the pathology, not only the development of the disease to slow down. Such actions help to prevent get rid of the disease and its progression. Some signs to notice deterioration in the condition of the body, you should at flebologa. Modern diagnostic centres make it possible to accurately identify the diagnosis and to determine the most effective way to get to his therapy.