What are varicose veins of the uterus - causes, symptoms and treatment

The most important Problem of the disease is to diagnose that it is extremely difficult. Very often there is a confusion when the results of the research have to say about the presence of problems with the pool.

Varicose veins of the uterus

Who is in the Zone of the risk? First and foremost, it is the women of childbearing age. In rare cases, the disease can interfere with the young people. And in senile meetings this disease can increase even more rare. But to think in any case that you can not touch this Problem at all.

The main causes of the

In most cases, the disease arises due to rich and long inflammatory processes. In any case, it is impossible to discard unsuccessful pregnancy. If you went through with the abortion, then you are also in a higher risk area. So you need to see a doctor. He told in Detail what the proverbial varicose veins of the uterus, than to fight with him.

A special Problem may exist in the ovary of Vienna. In your blood, lead to this disease. Do not forget that a special harm drugs can bring. The more new, side-effect, not studied yet up to the end. Particularly harmful hormonal agent. Assessment should not deny yourself.


It is particularly important to know in the case of non-migration quenching to a specialist. The first and most important Symptom — severe pain in the abdomen. Sometimes they are so strong that it leads to a complete loss of ability to work. A significant discomfort after intercourse or even during. The menstrual cycle is disturbed, he differs little discharge.

It is necessary to notice, that the determination of the varicose veins of the uterus is difficult, the symptoms are similar diseases with many gynecological. Here, in any case can not guess.

Only full-fledged ultrasound examination with modern equipment allow us to accurately diagnose and the further decision to accept.

There are the obvious reasons why you should consult a specialist. In Particular, Seizures. It is especially dangerous if you are due to edema. You will feel irritation in the legs, in the evening comes home from work? You suffer from constant discomfort? Then, at least for the sake of prevention necessarily qualitative specialists seen.

Difficulties during pregnancy

Of course, not varicose veins uterus during pregnancy. However, after each conception, the Situation is more complicated. Along with the run time increases and the risk. In the process, not only for mothers, but also for the child. What problems can occur?

  1. Placental insufficiency.
  2. Thrombophlebitis.
  3. Vein thrombosis.
  4. Often you need to perform a cesarean section.

You can summarize what is being said that the treatment in pregnancy is often difficult due to. This cervical disease requires constant observation in flebologa. It is likely, he will tell you that in your case, if she is pregnant, treatment is ineffective. In this case, the treating physician symptomatic therapy will need to produce at least. What is it? The expert can not cope with the underlying disease. Then he should at least reduce to zero its main symptoms.

And as for the treatment of varicose veins of the uterus outside of pregnancy? In this case, there are some basic methods. You will be depending on the specifics of the patient. We consider them in more detail.

  1. The conservative therapy. In this case, the taking of drugs, which are designed to tone Vienna. It is also important drugs against allergies. In these complex physiotherapy, medical gymnastics.
  2. Sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. Modern technologies make everything as quickly as possible. Specific methods depend on the condition of the patient, the degree of neglect of the disease.

About the media

It is also sometimes help to heal varicose veins. Already the list of the medicines you are taking was developed.

  1. First and foremost, you should take a closer look at the horse chestnut tincture.
  2. Make sure to try an Infusion intoxicating bowling.
  3. A perfect mixture of various medicinal plants. It is St. John's wort, horsetail, marigold and some of the others. Purchase it's all possible on nearly every major market.
  4. Try Apple cider vinegar. You can dilute a few teaspoons in a Standard water glass.

But we must understand that much depends on what stage the disease is. If it is only in the Bud, then natural remedies to be pretty effective.

The most important means of prevention

In the first line of responsibility, it is necessary with your health. If you notice some changes in the uterus, then you need to consult immediately to the doctor. He can literally say to some of the questions that you have problems, make a Plan for further action.

In any case, not itself can hormone preparations appoint. Only in small doses and after consultation with a qualified physician. During the first pregnancy, you can avoid the Stress of constantly checkups. Especially because there are a variety of diagnostic centers, which is the result only for an hour.

Important moderate exercise. A large movement worsen the Situation. And here's the body culture, dance classes, swimming, Yoga — all of this leads to your immune system, increase the disease.

The analysis of the urine and of the blood must be taken into account in the context of prevention. In particular, when the blood coagulates poorly, then this is a clear sign of varicose veins. It remains only to decide where he is. Probably everyone knows that the right diet can get rid of many problems. In particular, you can increase your chances of a healthy future, by you from your diet to oily and spicy food. Consume as much fruit, vegetables. Not to mention the limitations in the Sahara. Especially dangerous is white. And all the dishes that contain it in large quantities. Now you know all about varicose veins in the uterus and its treatment in Detail.