Varicose veins: treatment at home, natural remedies

Never forget that the varicose veins is a pretty serious Problem. In this disease the veins in the legs are less active and their walls gradually stretched. The disease begins suddenly. The pathological process can develop for a number of years. And to treat, if not timely measures are taken, at a later date to serious complication of varicose veins, one of which is a Thrombophlebitis. Before the fact, such as for the treatment of varicose veins at home, should the vascular surgeon. He appoints the methods of investigation and treatment.

Treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins of the lower extremities in an early stage may be confused only with the fatigue of the legs. A slight tingling sensation, a little swollen legs, appears especially in the evening. Typically, such swelling will disappear already in the morning, and it can communicate with a Burnout. But, if it does not pay attention to such symptoms. Because later, everything is much more serious. Due to the fact that it will increase a normal outflow of blood from the lower extremities, edema, appears in severe pain and feeling of heaviness. Easily recognizable earlier spider veins is much brighter and it is also the discomfort.

The standing venous congestion leads to the fact that Vienna at the bumps formed a kind of, well visible, and they are quite painful to the touch. Until recently it was believed that varicose veins especially occurs in women after forty years, who spend most of their time on the legs. But today, this Problem is occurs at a fairly young age. This is due to the fact that the people lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Causes of varicose veins can be several:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • during pregnancy;
  • High Heels;
  • systematic weight lifting;
  • Working conditions, in which long periods of time on the legs;
  • Smoking, abuse of harmful food;
  • professional activities-weight lifting, and much more.

When the pathological process captures thin subcutaneous vein, then a reticular varices developed. The disease is not so serious as the defeat of the deep veins, but all have the same treatment needs. Manifested reticular varices pain in the blood vessels, itching, edema, and cramps. In contrast to the varicose veins of the deep veins, causing no complications.

Treatment of varicose veins in the domestic conditions medicines and methods are carried out.

Drug therapy of varicose veins

If you are diagnosed with varicose veins on the legs can begin treatment in the home environment, with the purchase of compression stockings or tights. They are suitable for varicose veins of the legs in the initial phase. Thanks to a special underwear improves the blood circulation. This happens due to the fact that the same pressure on the entire body and improves the blood circulation. Also, the use of compression underwear clots is a preventive method of combating the formation of blood.

In order to cure varicose veins at home, you need a complex approach. It is the application of gels, ointments and tablets. If the local treatment, you can take a medicine and use it during the course. But when it comes to tablets, then varicose veins can be removed only to fight, if the drugs of the various groups that help in the system very effectively with varicose veins. Eliminate disturbances in the micro circulation, strengthening the vascular wall, you have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve the flow of lymph.

Most commonly for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs with the help of special agents, NSAIDs and drugs that prevent the Aggregation (clumping together) of platelets . The course of treatment is two to three months.

Massage for varicose veins

It is worth noting that in the case of varicose veins of the lower limbs treatment of drugs must appoint your doctor

The traditional method for the treatment of varicose veins consists in the application of local therapy. All in all, the use of ointments and gels, the most important answer to the question as to the treatment of varicose veins. Of your application reaches a maximum therapeutic effect, because they act directly on the affected vessels. Thanks to the local drug venous wall strengthened, reducing the risk of Thrombophlebitis, normalizes the circulatory valves, reduces the pain and swelling in the legs. If the disease is not managed the early stages, and ulcers, then by ointments, you can remove and solve this Problem.

Of varicose veins on the legs prescribed ointments, the Heparin contained Troxerutin , analgesic Gel containing indomethacin and Troxerutin, the combined effect of exercise.

The people's recipes

Treatment of varicose veins folk medicine, home was always very popular. If you have varicose veins due to drugs in the legs, then the treatment of folk medicine is a good Supplement. There are cases when it was possible to cure varicose veins on the legs only, with the help of traditional medicine. There are recipes for more than a Generation. For example, there is an old folk prescription for the treatment of varicose veins, used by our grandmothers. With regular use, the means to get rid of the cycle helps grid and makes the veins less visible.

For the preparation of a remedy for varicose veins, two carrots, two fleshy leaf of the Aloe , and five tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar. Cook the carrots and make a puree. From the leaves of the Aloe pulp, take it out and mix everything thoroughly with Apple cider vinegar. A homogeneous Paste mix all ingredients with a hand blender. Apply this home remedies for varicose veins, you need every day. To apply and massaged into the skin, resist forty minutes, and rinse with warm water. Improvement in efficiency can be achieved if separately lubricate the affected veins Apple cider vinegar.

As a folk medicine for the treatment of veins can be a miracle ointment of varicose veins. Cooking is a home remedy for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs can easily at home. The ointment is easy, but it collects a huge amount of positive reviews. The main ingredients are pork fat, balsamic liniment on Wisniewski, liquid honey, the pulp of Aloe Vera and onion juice. The effectiveness of these means of varicose veins is that each component has its own therapeutic effect. But as a whole, they give a remarkable result. Pork fat acts as a basis for ointments, balsamic liniment on Wisniewski has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect, and it makes the blood vessels to widen, which significantly improves the blood circulation. Honey, the pulp of the Aloe and onion juice serve as sources of biologically active components. This Tool can be used only in the early stages of the disease. After applying the ointment to the diseased veins in the legs must connect.

Treatment of reticular varicose veins

In the diagnosis of reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities is the treatment of folk medicine is welcome. The treatment continues reticular varicose veins on the legs folk medicine, the application of internal and external resources. In General, all the folk recipes of varicose veins quite simply, you prepare, you can at home from available ingredients.

One of such means is a garlic ointment. To do this, mix with Butter (preferably at home when you are ready to buy, then make sure that it contains no vegetable additives) carefully cut clove of garlic. On a tablespoon of garlic you take two tablespoons of oil. Middle of the night. Apply directly to the veins on the affected varicose veins, to cover up from the top of the paper to compress and connect. In the morning, the ointment rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin cream. If you have noticed that there is a strong redness, then treatment of the data medium should be cancelled. The normal reaction of the skin, the treatment is not more than ten days. This Tool takes in the processes of the normalization of blood circulation.

Cream for varicose veins

Another good Folk-the method of the compress, on the basis of the main yogurt. The milk should not cultures in a natural way without the use of start. Compresses have is in the night, the course of treatment is two weeks.

A Folk remedy for varicose veins on the legs that you can use, both for the exterior as well as interior applications. This is one of the tincture of the horse chestnut. Recipe preparation is quite simple, but the result of his application will be visible already after a month. In a dark glass container within three weeks, 50 G of crushed chestnuts, insist on 500 ml of vodka. During the preparation of the Tools is no direct sunlight. The best way to clean it to a place where you don't by no light will penetrate at all. Once a week shake the bottle. The finished tincture strain and take with food three times a day. Strict dosage: two tablespoons of water, take 30 drops of detergent.

Also a tincture for the treatment of varicose veins can be as contusion and compresses. But, using the in this quality allowed only in the case of the absence of skin damage. Compresses at night, just apply on the affected veins.

Begin to treat reticular varices must immediately after the occurrence of the first symptoms. When to treat the question as a, then there is no clear answer. This Form of the disease drugs are treated quite well, but also fit traditional methods of treatment of varicose veins. To treat In any case, the sooner started, varicose veins folk medicine, the higher the probability that the process stop in the initial phase.

The treatment of Apple cider vinegar

Still an effective method of how to get rid of varicose veins is the application of Apple cider vinegar both internally and to the outside. If you combine both ways of recording, it will be amplified the effect. As with all Folk remedies treatment of varicose veins allergic reactions, you should determine before the Start of the treatment with Apple cider vinegar, the sensitivity of the skin to this remedy. If the skin reacts at the site of the redness, then you are not using a recommended method.

The application of Apple cider vinegar internally can only Form in dilute. To do this, dilute a Cup of boiling water two teaspoons of vinegar. You drink such means must after the Breakfast and the dinner. Treatment of varicose veins, Apple cider vinegar is more efficient when you use it, and for the outdoor area. It may be, compresses and drying. For compresses, use undiluted Apple cider vinegar. Not to leave on the night. Contact time should not last longer than 40 minutes. Procedures a day. The course of treatment the doctor. If you use vinegar, to the surface, the skin, the method preferably after a bath.

Leeches in varicose veins

A since ancient times known method, such as varicose veins cure, is the application of medical leeches. But you can not say that at the present time, it is widely used. On the contrary, modern medicine is quite skeptical of this treatment method. To not recommend the gemchirurgen, the prescribed and the therapy with leeches, and, as the self-employed. But as a complex treatment used this method for the elimination of varicose veins is possible. Before, like leeches, you will receive detailed instructions from experts. If you do not notice, that after such a treatment the improvements, then the course of leech therapy should immediately stop. Buy Fluke need only in specialized pharmacies. In any case, do not use the services of the people you catch yourself.

Prevention of varicose veins in the home

It is always easier to prevent disease than to treat it. This well-known truth for many years, forces us to think about those consequences, the wrong attitude to your health.

Varicose veins can be completely avoided, to follow a few simple rules. This is especially true for people who have a genetic predisposition and there is the real danger of the development of the disease.

Apple cider vinegar
  1. The first step to healthy veins is to adjust your diet. You need to completely exclude or minimize your consumption of pastries and sweets. A maximum reduction in the amount of salt, alcohol, tea, and concentrated broths.
  2. Make sure that the body does not experience the deficit in the vitamins In the group. For these half a year for special medicines.
  3. To be a rule, weight lifting, and avoid sedentary activities.
  4. As you go more. When the muscles contract and it is a kind of natural Massage of the vessels of the lower extremities.
  5. When the initial symptoms such as tingling, cramps and swelling in the evening hours, you need to take immediate action.