Varicose veins of the lower extremities: symptoms and treatment

Varicose veins of the lower extremities occurs for a number of reasons that can into 3 groups: a disorder of blood clotting, damage to the vessel wall, stagnant changes in the surrounding tissue. Etiological factor affects the treatment, but medication is not able to constrict the advanced Phase of Vienna.

Varicose veins on the legs

The medium for the veins to support the Tonus of the vessels, but not in the location, the functional insufficiency of the valves, resulting in Stagnation.

Venous ulcers: causes

In the case of increased blood clotting the conditions for the formation of blood creates clots. Hormonal changes lead to a disturbance of the heart rhythm, reduction of the Tonus of the venous wall, stagnant changes.

Damage to the vein wall can be bacterial, traumatic, physical, chemical,. In the case of autoimmune diseases, thinning of the venous wall occurs bodies by the defeat of the anti. With little effort, the obstacles to the accumulation of blood.

Increase in pressure within the vessel can result in pressure due to compression of the surrounding tissues. Varicose veins in the case of such a combination is complicated. Probably the formation of trophic ulcers.

The triggering factors of the lower limbs varicose veins:

  • Obesity negatively related to varicose veins. The excess fat increases the pressure on the veins, promotes the stagnation of changes;
  • Wrong diet, by eating foods with plant fibers, the violation of vascular permeability, promote. The increase in plant fibers in the diet reduces the intake of toxins in the intestines. Lack of exercise — an important factor of obesity, disruption of the venous blood supply;
  • Most of the people are subject to the risk of complications in a sitting or upright Position. Negative effects of the damage to the valves of the veins. Corsets and tight underwear to wear, a compression of the veins in the groin area. Increased intra pressure-abdominal in the case of external compression of the venous vessels in the course of a long time, the cause of congestive changes in the lower extremities;
  • The wearing of shoes with high heels – not physiologically. A process for the stretching of the muscle and ligament apparatus, leading to stagnation of changes in the veins;
  • The valves are able to completely occlude the vessel, leading to stagnation of changes in the lower extremities. Against the background of the pathology of the wall of the venous system is overwhelmed, form venous node;
  • The genetic predisposition is due to the Mutation of the system, which is responsible for the structure of the walls of the veins. In the case of defects of proteins of the vascular permeability increases, develop long-lasting, inflammatory changes, swelling through the sweat fluid through the damaged membrane. The weakness of the vessel wall leads to increased venous pressure. The Result – Varicose Veins;
  • Hormonal disorders in pregnancy lead to increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which influence the formation of vascular factors in the blood clotting. Decrease in the Tonus of the venous wall on the background of pathologies leads to a deformation and obstruction of the blood vessels;
  • Diabetes mellitus is a disease that leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels, which creates clots a favorable environment for the development of blood;
  • Alcohol abuse leads to thickening of the blood, increases the risk of blood clots in the vessels;
  • Go long, forced seated position of the triggering factors of varicose veins;
  • Inadequate nutrition, weight lifting, the slower the blood flow to the heart, the development of the Stagnation of the triggering factors of the pathology;
  • Chronic constipation associated increase in intra-abdominal pressure, difficulty of outflow of blood from the lower extremities;
  • Dehydration under the influence of intensive exposure to the sun leads to thickening of the blood, accelerate the formation of blood clots;
  • Venous insufficiency, birth defects contribute to the pathology of the heart-circulatory activity;
  • An overdose of medication increases blood clotting, leads to a blockage of the blood vessels trombami;
  • Surgical interventions contribute to the increase in the volume of the blood, increase the risk of thromboembolism.
Varicose veins

Varicose veins of the legs – polietiologic disease. In patients in General, there are several reasons for the development of the nosology.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities: symptoms and treatment

Signs of varicose veins specific for the diagnosis. Distinguish 2 forms of the disease depending on the properties of the etiological factors – primary, secondary.

The primary Form associated with the weakness of the venous wall, is formed under the influence of congenital or acquired factors. Secondary Form develops under the influence of the other causes.

The causes of varicose veins of the legs:

  • Swelling of the skin;
  • Pigmentation (dark coloring);
  • Pain syndrome in the evening hours and in the afternoon;
  • Trophic Damage To The Skin (Eczema, Dermatitis).

Primary varicose veins is due to the weakness of the walls of the veins, the development of obesity, Proliferation of connective tissue fibers. Secondary pathology is due to the violation of the venous outflow in case of injuries and tumors. The degree of increased stretching of the vein wall is unpredictable. In the case of the pathology, the risk of thromboembolism which can be fatal increases. In General, thrombi localized on the legs, but there are cases of embolism in venous System, hands or belly.

Secondary complication of the disease — trophic ulcer. Even a small scratch in the event of violations, the formation of trophic ulcers on the legs. To cope with the pathology is difficult to address to the doctor. The treatment lasts for tens of years, so you should, in time, the phlebologist appeal.

A daily basis doctors are faced with the bleeding. If the disease started in Vienna on the surface of the skin. Pathology leads to a Thrombophlebitis with irreversible consequences. Constantly check the condition of the venous system. In order to prevent pathological changes should follow with Thrombophlebitis, he is not recoverable.

The uniqueness of the extension of the vein wall in the fact that the pain syndrome occurs only in the initial phase. Gradually, the receptors get used to the pain, so that Vienna pain the wider it is, the less pronounced.

Symptoms of varicose veins in the early stages:

  • Seal;
  • Redness;
  • Burning Sensation;
  • Pain.

Through the veins, the blood flaps should not move in the opposite direction. In your failure of Reverse circulation developed, Stagnation develops. Accumulation of blood in a certain place creates clots the conditions for the formation of blood. A similar pattern of abuse of technology is pursuing the implementation of the treatment of varicose veins. At the injection site inflammation, is formed, the possibilities for the formation of a blood clot, due to the improvement of the adhesive properties of the vascular wall.

Classification of Thrombophlebitis:

  • Acute;
  • Chronic.
Causes of varicose veins

Acute Thrombophlebitis develops quickly. At the site of localization of the varicose veins pain, redness of the skin, enlargement of the veins.

The chronic course is characterized by distinct features. Pain syndrome in the pathology is periodic. Patients worried about the pain after physical stress. Eliminates swelling and elastic compression. Patients are advised to wear special bandages.

Drug and surgical treatment

Drug treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities does not completely get rid of the pathology. In the case of violation of the permeability of the vascular walls, stagnant changes, there are new thrombi, which must be treated surgically to prevent pulmonary embolism and death. For these purposes, special agents and anticoagulants in the Form of oral tablets, local creams.

A Supplement to the drugs drugs the national treatment, physiotherapy (magnetic, the title of "Bicycle", medical gymnastics). For the liberation of rash recommended a decoction of oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort.

Surgery for removal of varicose veins on the legs – types, principles of treatment

The techniques described above in the present time, less frequently applied, since there is more demand operations.

Sclerotherapy – introduction intravenously sticky substance, the varicose veins are eliminated in the early stages of the disease in just a few sessions. The method includes the introduction in the nodes varices special substances to the overgrow of the lumen of the vein.

Coagulation of the affected vein Laser is a modern method does not allow you to produce excision of tissue with a knife.

Indications for the surgical phlebectomy:

  • A considerable enlargement of the subcutaneous veins;
  • The risk of thromboembolism;
  • Trophic disorders of the skin;
  • Acute Thrombophlebitis;
  • Puffiness, heavy with fatigue of the patient.

Not carry out the Operation in pregnancy, severe infections, ischemic diseases, inflammation of the lower extremities, pyoderma, eczema. The only way the treatment of the disease with varicose veins of the deep veins with the aim of correction of the work of the device surgery.

Laser therapy in elderly patients with diseases of the circulatory System, urogenital, increase in blood pressure, if surgery is contraindicated.

For the liberation of unpleasant vessel pattern according to the testimonies of the implementation of the hf-coagulation can. The advantages of the surgery — pain free, no cosmetic defect of the skin, disorders of the ability to work.

The indication for sclerotherapy of the disease pathology in the case of Duplex-Doppler, varicose veins in the early stages. The disadvantage of the procedure – contact with the sclerosant into the deep veins, reducing the effectiveness of treatment in advanced cases.

Treatment of chronic varicose veins

In the case of chronic varicose veins, you should correctly apply elastic compression. For this purpose a program was developed:

  1. The compression ratio in the textile industry 1-2 class at 0 degrees;
  2. The elastic is compression in the textile industry 1-2 class with a Mono-pharmacotherapy, physical therapy at 1 degree;
  3. At 3-4 degrees, it is recommended that the elastic is compression in the textile industry 2-3 class with continuous pharmacotherapy, local treatment with ointments, physical therapy.
Treatment of varicose veins

From the abuse of certain therapies standardized Schema therapy varicose veins protect the described preparations. Assign the frequency, the dose, the intake can only doctor.

Also the Magnet in the case of varicose veins of the lower extremities is strictly on the evidence. After the procedure, assesses the nature of the local changes should be.