How she saved the bee from varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins honey and other products of the vital activity of the bees has an important niche in the folk medicine. To the extent that it is justified and can be used as a mono-therapy? To treat alternatively, in combination with other agents? How safe is the treatment of varicose veins bees (the bee), as well as other treatments, in connection with the use of products that do the bees? Why don't these patients do a series of cosmetic procedures? On these and many other questions you will find answers below!

Bee rescued by varicose veins

What is saved is the "bee", and whether or not to use it for varicose veins?

Pathology associated with the violation of the structure of the vein wall is gaining wider dissemination — to do so, the lack of movement of our time, has enjoyed and obesity. In spite of the fact that pharmaceutical companies each year, a large number of different drugs and biochemically active substances of synthetic origin, the use of drugs of plant origin do not lose their relevance. There are a number of reasons:

  1. High Efficiency. Several pathogenesis, the healing resources from nature a much stronger effect acts as a pharmacological active substances. For the sake of justice it is necessary to notice that the clinical effect of the latter will be implemented much faster;
  2. Availability. Due to the fact that the implementation of the "chemical" medicines associated with many of the formalities, the forced pharmacological companies, substantial funding is found, their market value is multiplied. What about folk remedies — you will always remain accessible, even for those patients who are strapped for cash;
  3. Compatibility with other medicines. To improve the effectiveness of the treatment, we recommend the combined use of the resources and of the traditional and folk medicine.
  4. Security. Never on the preparations of plant origin, no allergic reaction or any other undesirable side effects.

One of the best-known drugs of alternative medicine is saved, the "bee". Many believe that in the composition of this medium, only the waste products of bees, but actually it is not.

The drug is also a variety of vegetable substances, which enhance significantly the clinical effect, at the same time acts on several members of the pathogenesis. The composition of the medium, "bee rescued from varicose veins" is as follows:

  • The bark of Siberian larch component, the significant anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the permeability of blood vessels, cleanses the puffiness;
  • Rhizome of Dioscorea nipponskoy — contribute to the normalization of the work of the circulatory system;
  • Bees-pest — contributes to the normalization of the outflow of blood and lymph fluid. Fixes the displayed cycle fish net, the restoration of the normal condition of the vascular wall;
  • Seeds and fruits of the chestnut – has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which is especially important in the current versions of varicose veins Provides rapid disappearance of the vascular network etc;
  • Goji berries contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes.

"Bee saver" is used in the pharmacological Form of ointment (ointment) — it is necessary to RUB, apply on the affected varicose veins of the land, from the slight movements. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months, depending on the severity of the pathological process.

For maximum efficacy in the treatment of varicose veins on the legs of this Central application must be 3-4 times of the day, the combination, with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The use of honey in the treatment of varicose veins — what you should note in the first place?

Treatment of varicose veins

Honey is a well-known home remedies to easily get rid of a variety of ailments, including varicose veins. To achieve that, the positive development in the treatment of this disease, you need to carefully consider the combination of remedies, made using honey, and medicines of traditional medicine.

It is necessary to notice, that in this Situation, medicines on the Basis of honey can be used only as a Supplement — they have no direct effect on the condition of the vascular wall and blood circulation, but also to the normalization of the flow of the metabolic processes.

An example of a simple, but effective recipe

Best for varicose veins the use of alcohol tinctures honey helps. For the preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • Honey-200 G;
  • Medical alcohol, ethyl alcohol, 96% — 400 ml;
  • Bitter Pepper — 5 G;

All of these components must be carefully mixed and let stand for 3 days. After that, you used to take prescribed together with the course of treatment from the doctor since 3 weeks, at least 1 tablespoon three times per day.

You don't mention that honey use in varicose veins, if the Patient has allergic reactions to bee products.

Bee against varicose veins — in which cases the use of these funds is justified?

Bee a calf dead bees, which are also used as a remedy. This confirms the fact that even after his death, the bee will continue to benefit people.

For the preparation of the drug, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • Actually, even bee, 200-300 G;
  • Medical alcohol, ethyl alcohol, 96% — 400 ml;

Tincture to stand for at least a week, to keep, to get, really high quality extract, contributed to the pronounced clinical effect and would apply also in advanced stages of the varicose veins.

It is recommended that this remedy for external application apply to the affected areas (where the blood vessels, the venules), RUB with light massage movements. Treatment of varicose veins bees wax medium is made at least 2 months, frequency of use — up to 3 times a day.

By the way, for the external application to the obligations in a ratio of 1: 1 is recommended, honey compresses, which set out the tincture with honey to the above recipe, and the bee.

Beauty treatments in patients with varicose veins. Why not recommended for shugaring?

As for that I can do shugaring in the case of varicose veins, and what the contraindications are. Without a doubt, every woman fights for the beauty of your body and give up on Epilation of the legs due to varicose veins nobody.

However, in the current Situation, a number of limitations need to be taken into account, the high probability of trauma to the pathological process of vessels affected blood:

  1. Allows only Laser hair removal, varicose veins (Epilation) and the removal of unwanted hair with a razor, like all other types of this procedure are very traumatic and lead to plenty of bleeding — in the case when there are varicose veins damaged advanced vessel. Overall, hair removal varicose veins are not harmful, but if you are gentle.
  2. Sugaring implementation is not recommended in any case. Strong irritation, in connection with the withdrawal of the hair with the help of wax or any other formulations that might be for this procedure to very undesirable consequences. Sugaring contraindications has quite hard, as the recipe of the mixture sees, therefore, it is better to abandon such a procedure, by a recipe or a softer variant.
  3. In the case of venous ulcers (these disorders are not due to to the started forms of a considered pathology), depilation in the case of varicose veins is possible, in view of the fact that the risk of complications. The procedure is prohibited — this Status is the categorical is a contraindication not only instrumental methods of hair removal, but Laser removal of hair.
the treatment of honey

Anyway, before you have any cosmetic procedure in the presence of varices, in advance consultation with your physician. Only he can decide what you can do, and what better way to do so.