Varicose veins in the legs: symptoms and treatment

varicosity veins in the legs – not just a cosmetic Problem, caused fear among the people about its attractiveness, but also a dangerous disease, the appropriate treatment, and compliance with the measures of prevention.

Causes of varicose veins many: ranging from a lack of exercise, physical stress to hormonal failure, congenital weakness of the vascular wall, pregnancy. What happens during the varicosity? In the case of varicose expansions of the veins of the lower extremities, they lose their normal elasticity, and under the pressure of the blood stretched.

Valves in the veins in a normal state of certain castles, and when the blood goes through them, they are closed and give the opportunity to Reverse the outflow of blood. If in the working of the valves crashing is observed, the blood can be delivered down, which leads to Stagnation of blood.

In this connection, Vienna is not with the printing finished, do not expand, the valves are in the position to block, the large ground clearance - all this provokes the emergence of the initial phase of the varicosity.


Causes of varicosity

Why is there a varicosity, and what is it? The most important risk factors for disease as genetic predisposition and gender. From love to the high calcibus, hormonal changes during pregnancy and taking contraceptives, women who are the victims of varicosity are twice as likely as men.

The development of the disease contribute:

  1. Inheritance. Inherited not the disease itself, but genetically the structure of the veins due to weak binding of the venous walls, congenital defective valves tissue in the veins. Therefore, varicosity occur in young, healthy and active (regardless of gender) people and even in children. According to scientists, the genetic predisposition is the main factor to varicose enlargement of the veins of the leg.
  2. Hormonal Changes. Because of the peculiarities of the organism in the case of women in periods of hormonal disorders the causes of the Stagnation of the blood. For them, the most dangerous times of puberty, pregnancy, the time after the birth. Also dangerous time, when the climax comes. This sexual category of patients is aimed at doctors in 2-3 times more often. In the female organs is not enough hormones, known as estrogens. Instead, the so-called yellow body hormones predominates. It is believed that it has a relaxing effect on the muscles. This favors the enlargement of the veins.
  3. Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, or work a longer stay, promotes the development of varicose veins.
  4. Age. In the course of time, the valves and the vein walls have become thinner, this leads to a disruption of their work.
  5. Obesity. Obesity leads to increased stress on the veins of the legs.

Secondary varicosity occurs in the case of injuries to the legs, heart defects, liver and spleen. In this case, the first line of the implementation of the appropriate treatment of the primary disease.

Phase varicosity

You can distinguish 3 stages of the Progression of the symptoms in the development of the varicosity.

  1. The stage of compensation. There are no complaints. In the investigation of varicose veins occur on one or two legs.
  2. Phase sub-compensations. In the investigation on the legs visible, pronounced varicose veins. The patients complain of a feeling of flatulence, paresthesia ("ant run") in the area of the legs, nocturnal cramps. There was some swelling of the feet, ankles and shins in the evening hours. In the morning swelling to disappear.
  3. The Phase of decompensation. To the above-mentioned reasons, align Dermatitis, eczema. Patients worried about itching. The skin is dry, shiny, dense спаянной with under-the-skin fabric. Small bleeding and subsequent deposition of hemosiderin cause Hyper-pigmentation.

Even varicosity is not moving forward as a very serious disease, but if he has already developed, even never and even beyond that, what to all sorts of complications, and are the most dangerous.

Stage of varicose veins

Signs of varicosity

The first signs that the beginning of the development of the varicosity:

  • Fatigue of the legs;
  • the puffiness of the lower gliedmaen;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs.

In later stages, you can take the appearance of spider veins is to notice the layers of skin, protruding veins, and various seals of the witnesses of the Stagnation in the vessels.

Symptoms of varicose veins in the legs

In various stages of varicosity veins symptoms can vary from almost asymptomatic small "the gemsternchen" to severe and painful symptoms.

Suspicion the early stages of the development of such symptoms:

  • the occurrence of pain in the legs, a feeling of warmth, and sometimes a burning sensation through the veins of the legs;
  • the heaviness in the legs;
  • in the evening, swelling of the legs;
  • night cramps in the legs;
  • enlarged veins;
  • the skin of the lower leg acquires a dark color, there are seals, possible trophic ulcer.

Any first signs, you should immediately start for the treatment of varicose veins symptoms themselves do not disappear.


To determine varicosity of the lower extremities, and assign the appropriate treatment, a specialist, the Patient will undergo a comprehensive examination, comprised of various methods.

  1. Duplex scan (ultrasound of the veins)- the most informative method for the diagnosis of varicose veins of the legs, thereby reducing the possibility of an overview of the extent of the varicose veins, the direction of blood flow through the veins and their patency, and the presence of blood clots (thrombi).
  2. Contrast venography, which is a method of investigation which allows varicose veins to detect and determine the degree of their permeability for blood.

Determine varicosity vein thrombosis can doctor a qualified.


Making it difficult for the varicosity, accompanied by the formation of thrombosis and inflammation of veins, trophic ulcers and skin diseases. These complications occur when the change in the skin color on the legs, rubore, dimout, venetus skin.

Also own a permanent swelling of the ankle, especially when walking or standing. In the area of the calf pain when walking, pain along the curved veins, thickening of the skin and the formation on ulcers of different sizes.


If you have a tendency to the disease, the following recommendations are intended to help slow down its progression:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes without heels or low heels.
  2. With loads to do Bandage to be able to knitted for the legs, or the wearing of medical things, but only after consultation of the doctor.
  3. You are not and will not put you to move to long in one spot, doing exercises often change the posture.
  4. Do not take hot baths, especially in the morning – it is better to replace it by a warm shower with a final cold shower.
  5. Give up Smoking, because of the condition of the blood deteriorating blood vessels.

Primary prevention is a moderate physical activity: swimming, Hiking, Cycling, charge.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy significantly increases the risk of varicosity of the lower extremities veins, to wear such reasons:

  1. The hormones circulate in the blood during pregnancy, increase the elasticity of the vein wall and contribute to the accumulation of venous blood in the legs.
  2. The increased intra-abdominal pressure in late pregnancy hinders the outflow of blood through the veins of the legs.
  3. varicosity of the veins, the pull-through during pregnancy, after birth, or further progression, depending on individual factors (heredity, the presence of other factors).
Treatment of varicose veins in the legs

Treatment of varicosity of leg veins

At varicose expansion of veins treatment if the problematic symptoms may not be medically necessary.

However, some people in the treatment of varicose veins for cosmetic reasons want because you are dissatisfied with your view.

We consider the basic techniques that will help you get rid of the problem.

  1. Sclerotherapy. This method of treatment is valid and alone and in complex with conservative procedures. Its essence consists in the fact that in Vienna, a fine needle or syringe, a special is introduced, signantes the drug, and later Vienna, disappears completely. The meetings are once-a-meetings in the week, 3 to 6 takes. The method avoids scars.
  2. Non-surgical treatment. If varicose veins in the initial phase, and if it does not cause too great an inconvenience, then can elastic stockings are recommended, along press. You wear during daily activities. Help jamming of the veins, by selecting it from Stretching, and restrictions of any discomfort or pain.
  3. Drug treatment varicosity relieves the symptoms, reduces swelling and pain, slows down the process of development, but have not been able to stop the disease completely and repair the damaged veins.
  4. Laser treatment of varicose veins in the legs can be on the surface of the skin. With a small Laser-light-flash in the wall of the vein the process of developing and varicose veins disappearing, as if deleted.

A major role in the treatment and prevention of physical activity — fast walking, aerobics, swimming and water exercises (excluding exercises with a large load on the legs — Tennis, weight lifting, jumping).

Drugs venotonics

The effect of these substances is aimed vessels to improve the tone of smooth muscles in the walls of the blood, reducing their elasticity and normal blood circulation in the affected areas.

Many of venotonics are drugs with complex effects. The effect is achieved by the use extends not only to Vienna but also to all of the vessels in our body.

As for the treatment of varicosity of the veins folk medicine

There are a huge number of methods for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs folk medicine, both for external as well as internal applications. In the following, the most common are:

  1. The flowers of horse chestnut (50 grams) is required, pour 500 grams of alcohol and then to 14 days, every day, the bottle rocks. You miss the tincture through a sieve and drink a tablespoon with water, three times a day before meals. So the week must be dealt with, then take a break for two weeks. Then the treatment can begin again.
  2. The Infusion of dried nettle in varicose enlargement of the veins. Dry powdered leaves of the plant, pour in a thermos flask 1/2 Liter of boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes, Filter and take 1/3 Cup 3 times a day 1 hour after meals.
  3. A compress made from tomatoes. Add the chopped tomato, the double burden Bandage, gauze, and on the painful place is applied. For convenience, you can tie or other elastic bandage. Such a compress in Vienna lasts 2 hours, then change to new one, and so a total of 3 times. Convenience compress, that you can repeat every day.
  4. Oil-tincture of walnuts: immature nuts chop in a glass bowl, pour the olive oil and 40 days in a Sunny location. The finished tincture to lubricate sore spots. The course of treatment is lengthy, as is the case with the use of kalanchoe.

In addition to natural remedies, many patients varicosity the therapy Supplement with a special gymnastics to feel a significant improvement in the exercises enable Mikulina.