Drug treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins of the lower extremities are common diseases, the suffering people of Mature age, especially women. Pathology due to changes in the walls and weakness of the valves of the veins, which leads to irreversible enlargement and deformation of the veins. Assigned to to timely medication for varicose veins on the legs to relieve the pain, feeling of heaviness, symptoms of trophic disturbances, to relieve night cramps.

Treatment of varicose veins in the legs

What is the best medicine for varicose veins? Medications, the attending of varicose veins are related to various medical groups, are pharmacological companies from different countries. The progression of the disease to avoid complications and, if possible, without surgery, it is important to know that there are flebotropnyje medication for varicose veins and what is their mechanism of action.

In a group of drugs and their effects

Medications of varicose veins are an important part of conservative therapy. Their timely and careful application improves the condition of the venous system. They are well compatible with the proper combination, the effect of reinforce each other. The use of medication for varicose veins of the lower extremities, already in the earliest stages of the disease, strictly according to doctor's recommendations.

Against the backdrop of the admission of drugs from different groups to gradually strengthen the vascular wall, causing the further deformation with formation of varicose veins are prevented. The blood is liquid, you will reduce the risk of thrombosis and embolism. The combination therapy reduces the inflammation, swelling, improves metabolism.


These hormones have a strong anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effect, can quickly relieve swelling and pain. But in spite of the effectiveness that apply to drugs in this group rarely, under strict conditions in connection with a large number of side effects. In General, the hormones you use only the in the Form of ointments and creams.

Remedy for varicose veins

Such agents are a must-have drug therapy. They are wall to strengthen the blood vessels and tonify weakened veins. The desired effect of their application, medication for varicose veins courses must be taken several times a year. In the absence of contraindications for the use of medication lasts 2-3 months.

Venous medications with varicose veins, we strongly recommend in summer. Reduce the strain on the blood in the legs, relieve swelling and pain vessels, worse in the heat.

Medicines for varicose veins on the legs in women are often given at a reduced dose, continuously or with short breaks. Chronic venous insufficiency often develops after birth, against the background of obesity or Diabetes.

Medications to strengthen the vessels in case of varicose veins appointed surgeon in the Phase of preparation for surgery and afterwards, in order to avoid various complications.

Medicines varicose veins cause the following effects:

  • Muscle of the vein wall;
  • To reduce the Stagnation of venous blood;
  • the activation of the capillary blood supply.
  • Improvement of the lymphatic drainage;
  • the decrease in the permeability of the walls of the venous and capillaries of the blood vessels;
  • Improvement of recovery and metabolic processes in the area of the damaged tissue.

Platelet aggregation inhibitors

Remedy for varicose veins

These medicines varicose veins, you will always be in the scheme of drug therapy. On the venous wall is not affected, but the blood is dilute and the improvement of its rheological quality. Drugs of this group prevent the development of life-threatening complications.

Blood thinner for varicose veins only be used in accordance with specialists. The therapy is under the dynamic laboratory control of the blood coagulation system.

Drugs-anticoagulants for varicose veins have no General Schema of the intake. Dr. individually to determine the dose, frequency of intake per day and the duration of the course. The recommendations of the expert must be strictly implemented. Because even the best medication in this group has a lot of contraindications and side effects.

Against Thrombosis

Be used for varicose veins of the legs are not as medicines, but as a preventive agent, therapeutic development of dangerous complications — thrombosis and Thrombophlebitis.

The medications to prevent the sticking of the blood platelets to interfere, and thus the formation of a blood clot in inflamed areas of the vein wall. The come-off blood clot can blood vessels clog in the brain, the heart or the lung, and ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism. These medicines with proper and regular intake to avoid such terrible complications.


In the case of any drug from the group of NSAIDs have anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and analgesic effect. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs must take if the pain along the course of the vessels, increasing the temperature, the threat posed by the development of Thrombophlebitis. Medicines for edema of the legs with varicose veins often also took from this group of medications, as they contribute to the rapid elimination of inflammation of the soft parts of the feet.

What forms an effective dosage to choose the non-steroidal drug, the doctor decides. Necessary to take into account the symptoms of unwanted side effects, especially in the case of uncontrolled ingestion, and the attempt of self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic treatment method can only be in addition to the adjuvant drug therapy. Drugs in this group of patients sometimes to the prevention of a disease or in the stage of deep Remission of the process.


Be considered as an Element of comprehensive treatment to strengthen the vessel wall and of the metabolism. Vitamins improve General well-being, strengthen the immune system, accelerate the Regeneration of tissue. Therefore, they can be used in any Phase of the disease, including in the prevention of the exacerbation of the process and in the presence of trophic disorders.

Treatment of varicose veins

How to choose the optimal drugs?

What is the drug of varicose veins better? A clear answer to this question is no. The choice of the most effective drugs depends on the severity of the pathology, presence of complications, age, health condition of the patient. But also the most effective drug in the case of varicose veins does not change the rules, if you are not accepted with him, all other means of adjuvant therapy.